Welcome to my personal webpage.

Hello!Myself Tanvi and I'm from Mumbai.
I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying. I am a foodie and I enjoy listening to music.There is nothing left in my right brain and nothing right in my left brain.
Well,I'm famous for my craziness and that's certainly something special about me. My moods are strange on the smallest of things and I'm good at creating scenes and raising hell. When everyone walks straight,I'll be the one walking crooked.Only found where there is chaos. I sometimes am stubborn,finicky,and does what I wish for which always gets me into trouble. I'm pretty good at having arguments with myself.People always say the there is anger filled in my eyes, and my face is at its worst,and often advice me to go somewhere and get a new face.
So if you see me somewhere wandering around, don't have a second thought but RUNNN!!!


  1. Primary school: Mother's Intergral School.
  2. High School school: Jonhson Grammer School.
  3. Intermediate: Narayana Junior College.


  1. Walking.
  2. Badminton.
  3. Singing.
  4. Painting.
  5. Music.
  6. Do it yourself.
  7. Decorating.
  8. Craft.
  9. Cooking.
  10. Drawing.

My hobbies